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    Free Webinar: Showing Up - The Gift in Being Present

    Date: May 3, 2023, 1:00pm – 2:30pm
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    Over the past few months, you have heard about KYSHRM’s focus on Mental Health Awareness for the month of May. We have several activities and events planned for bringing awareness to the current state of mental health, especially of that for those in our current workforce. The SHRM Foundation has many tools and up-to-date research that we will distribute to all chapter members to help aid in discovering where we are and where do we go from here.

    To kick-off this month, we will be hosting a webinar on Wednesday, May 3rd focused on ourselves. You heard that correctly- let’s take some time to be selfish and tune in to our own state of mental well-being! We are multifaceted humans, capable of so many gifts and talents, and we serve many roles within our lives; professionally, socially, and personally. In order to maximize our fullest potential and absorb fully our everyday happenings, we must realize we cannot be in all areas fully at once. We need to realize the power in the in-betweenness and choose to intentionally be present right where we are. When we juggle, it also causes us to live in an "always behind" and "never enough" negative thought processing spiral. Our facilitator will use the webinar to help us find that sacred space of being grounded and present and we will work on ways to process the busyness positively and maximize the grace and love we have with ourselves.

    Please register here!

    To top it off, one lucky attendee will receive a free SHRM Foundation Workplace Mental Health Ally Certificate program- $99 value!